Hit a wall please help


New member

I'm 37 5'10 *270 lbs was 350 two years ago*

Right now I'm on*

100test P 4xwk

50 masteron 4xwk* all gear balkin and kalpa

100 tren Ace 4xwk*

4iu gh twice a day. Norditropin

8iu of slin preworkout keeping carbs to 40 trying to keep blood sugar low in order to burn more*

75mcg of t3 just started 3 weeks ago with

Clen 120mcg two on two weeks off*

Arimidex 1mg daily*

Nova 10mg daily*

Trying to lean out very hard for me*

Fasted cardio 5 days a week stairmill*

Lift 5 to 6 days a week 1:30 to 2 hours*

Rest periods are short alot of superset and drop sets keep heart rate up

diet pretty staight

12 egg whites 1/2 oats and peanut butter*

Meals 2 3 4

8oz protein salmon or chicken thigh grilled

1/2 to 1 cup of sweet potatoe or brown rice not every meal something no carbs at all

1 cup steamed vegetable*

Post workout*

40 grams carb real food*

50 grams protein*

5 creatine*

5 glutamine*

meal 5*

Same as 2 3 4*

But no carb

Meal 6*

16 oz Cottage cheese or*

Casian shake


Almonds , peanut butter or pears*

Now I'm starting a diet which was given to my brother 1600 cal carb cycling diet*I might be to tight but only one way to find out rightd

This is what i was on before*

1000 sus*

600 eq

800 tren e

8iu gh*


I attached some pics 1st pic I was about 335 in that pic*

Then the pic was after I got down to 255 some guy who convinced me to bulk I got to 290*wrong choice
Last pic is now 270

Here is a little back story on me I was 350 pounds 2 years ago and couldn't walk 25 feet without losing my breath after splitting my pants at a business function I knew it was time to change my life so I went looking for a coach to help me and when I found him he told me that he only coaches athletes and people who have a chance to walk on stage and that I would never be that person so now I'm on a fucking mission to prove him wrong and anyone else who doubted me hopefully you guys can help me reach my goal
Thank you for taking the time to read my post
Because this is my first post ever the minute I figure out how to upload the pics I will
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Well good luck bro and welcome to mc. Not sure if you have a question but looks like you are doing things right to me.

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I'm 37 5'10 *270 lbs was 350 two years ago*

Right now I'm on*

100test P 4xwk

50 masteron 4xwk* all gear balkin and kalpa

100 tren Ace 4xwk*

4iu gh twice a day. Norditropin

8iu of slin preworkout keeping carbs to 40 trying to keep blood sugar low in order to burn more*

75mcg of t3 just started 3 weeks ago with

Clen 120mcg two on two weeks off*

Arimidex 1mg daily*

Nova 10mg daily*

Trying to lean out very hard for me*

Fasted cardio 5 days a week stairmill*

Lift 5 to 6 days a week 1:30 to 2 hours*

Rest periods are short alot of superset and drop sets keep heart rate up

diet pretty staight

12 egg whites 1/2 oats and peanut butter*

Meals 2 3 4

8oz protein salmon or chicken thigh grilled

1/2 to 1 cup of sweet potatoe or brown rice not every meal something no carbs at all

1 cup steamed vegetable*

Post workout*

40 grams carb real food*

50 grams protein*

5 creatine*

5 glutamine*

meal 5*

Same as 2 3 4*

But no carb

Meal 6*

16 oz Cottage cheese or*

Casian shake


Almonds , peanut butter or pears*

Now I'm starting a diet which was given to my brother 1600 cal carb cycling diet*I might be to tight but only one way to find out rightd

This is what i was on before*

1000 sus*

600 eq

800 tren e

8iu gh*


I attached some pics 1st pic I was about 335 in that pic*

Then the pic was after I got down to 255 some guy who convinced me to bulk I got to 290*wrong choice
Last pic is now 270

Here is a little back story on me I was 350 pounds 2 years ago and couldn't walk 25 feet without losing my breath after splitting my pants at a business function I knew it was time to change my life so I went looking for a coach to help me and when I found him he told me that he only coaches athletes and people who have a chance to walk on stage and that I would never be that person so now I'm on a fucking mission to prove him wrong and anyone else who doubted me hopefully you guys can help me reach my goal
Thank you for taking the time to read my post
Because this is my first post ever the minute I figure out how to upload the pics I will

Hey Nicky, I will Help you brutha! I just fully read your thread, and the part where you said the trainer turned you away and said he only trains athletes. That shit would piss me off to but i also understand his point of view. Most guys out of shape do more talking then they do sticking to the plan and that type of shit pisses a trainer off! I use to train people and i hated it for this reason….No one fucking listens!

But if your serious and wanna get into the best shape of your fucking life, you came to the right site and I can help you brutha!!!
and I wanna see your before and after(so far) pictures!! as if your still holding onto a good bit of fat then you shouldn't be running a cycle like you are, but i have no idea what you like like so its tough to say
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Thanks guys.
Presser I have been trying to up load the pics but it keeps saying upload fail
I go to choose a file I choose my jpg and I hit upload am I doing something wrong please let me know but regardless I'm going to email you those pics to your email address for now
welcome to MC Bro , even impossible says I M possible so every one can be victorious it only needs determination and passion that sounds like u have and u r in safe hands now, good luck bro
Thanks guys.
Presser I have been trying to up load the pics but it keeps saying upload fail
I go to choose a file I choose my jpg and I hit upload am I doing something wrong please let me know but regardless I'm going to email you those pics to your email address for now

you can upload pics two ways here, you can scroll down to the bottom of the post and click MANAGE ATTACHMENTS, or up in the Nav bar above your posting area you can click the INSERT IMAGE icon, its the 3rd one from the end on the right.
hey nicky, i haven't heard back from you through email brutha, but wanna make sure you got the rest of your order, i think we forgot to ship something and had to send it out separately, you get my emails daddio
nice bro! thats some serious progress right there! You can get yourself into fantastic condition from where you are at now, if you were able to go from 350 to present pics, then yeah you can do this no problem bro
Thanks presser just got back today from France very nice place but the people hate Americans anyway I haven't received the package also I want to start MC igf today when you think is the best time to take it and I should keep it cold at all times right
And if you input about my diet or stack I would appreciate it
I always keep mine in fridge however as you may know when it is in aa solution its good for long periods of time at room temp, and its more so light, specifically sunlight type that kills and degrades IGF-1 lr3, or i just could have said Keep it cold anyhow, i do lol

And bro, Half of America hates Americans, let alone other countries , so no surprise there! we have kids doing youtube videos stomping on our American Flag, so nothing sup roses me anymore

i take my igf-1 lr3 about 45 minuets prior to training followed by a shit load of carbs via oatmeal, then i train and sip on a 50/50 protein/carb drink during workout, then post workout i slam and cram as much protein as i can into myself. So maybe try 45minutes prior to gym followed by the carbs.
I was just going to text you a question about this pumps are great not as much as slin but great but is it normal to be so drained after workout I can barely keep my eyes open while driving home and cramping out of nowhere is serious 100mcg might be too much
Or it might be I don't drink a 50/50 I sip on all day you may and creatine
I will be watching this, great stuff so far. Keep it up. It is great to see someone go so far already and yet keep going.