IGF with my bulker?


New member
I am debating using IGF during my 10 (maybe 12) weeks of deca/enanthate. What point during the cycle should I use IGF? Do you think I will see anything different compared to rhe results in the past I got from deca/test?

15% BF

diet will be cleaned up a lot and I know I will drop a % or so of BF while bulking b/c I am eating horrible right now.
IMHO, IGF should be used as a bulking agent. From what I have gathered, it's potential is more for bulking then for cutting although it does have great cutting abilities it can make you hungry as hell because it will send you into ketosis. If it was me, I would wait for your last 6 weeks then run the IGF @ 40mcg/day split into 20mcg A.M. and 20mcg PWO. My .02
dont mean to jack your post but , why wouldn't you want to run it through the whole cycle. why just the last 6 weeks.
I was just thinking it would be better to let the test & deca get a chance to kick in. Plus I don't ever see people run IGF-1 for more than 6-8 weeks max. This is more a question for Presser as to why, I haven't seen any studies on reasons why not to run for long durations.
Your body reacts to IGF-1 the same way it dose to HGH, where your body starts to produce a hormone called Somatostatin. Somatostatin is a natural hormone that your body uses to shut down GH and IGF-1 receptors to prevent a disturbance in homeostasis. Somatostatin can be involved in GH production down regulation. So the longer that you are on GH the more Somatostatin that your body will produce. So if you look at it this way, GH is just a precursor to IGF-1, so because of how much more potent IGF-1 is, it will cause a greater disturbance in your body's homeostasis, so therefore you body will release massive amounts of Somatostatin, rendering the IGF-1 ineffective after only 4 weeks or so. Keeping this in mind, it should be pretty obvious that you will get the most out of GH using shorter cycles of it. Here is something to think about, when children experience growth spurts, their pituitary gland secretes about 2 iu's of GH up to 7 times a day. But they only do this for a brief period of 4-5 days, over/up to a 3 week period. So even GH would be more effective if you limited it's use to around 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. Hope this was helpful.
Doesn't this contradict the belief that HGH should be run for several months to receive the best results...
Good question. I've often wondered the same thing. And quite honestly haven't seen a lot of proof into the release of Somatostatin from the 191 chain amino acid that we use today. But, I guess there is enough talk about it, so it must be true, RIGHT?????
I have used both GH and IGF and have noticed that the effect of IGF diminshes after about 4 weeks and disappears after 6-7 so short cycles of it are favourable. With GH however the effects are just as good 4-5 months down the line as they are at day 1 for me so I think long cycles with GH are fine
IGF got my body real hard
i didnt like when i stopped i crashed hard it also made me real tired the entire time i was taking it
supermannpc said:
IGF got my body real hard
i didnt like when i stopped i crashed hard it also made me real tired the entire time i was taking it

When I started using GH and subsequently IGF I felt really tired but after a few weeks I adjusted and it didn't affect me like that any more
I'm 3 weeks in at 100mcg a day and I'm still not noticing any sides at all-no tired shit, no aching joints, etc.
and ideas? :drooling:
I used IGF with an on par diet. I gained mass and leaned up......The potential is limitless. Bulker, Bsaeline or cutter............it will get you there faster.