My first Test e Tren e Dbol run. Looking for suggestions.


New member
Hello to everyone here @ MuscleChemistry! Looking for some of your vet experience. I've run 4 cycles in the last 4 years. Mostly 10 week Test deca Dbol ran with aromasin and hcg. Clomid nolva pct. Great gains! Currently I'm 5'10" 223 12%Bf. Looking to run a lean bulk.

Test e 500mgs aw 1-2. 250 mgs aw 3-9
Test p 10-12 200,150,100 mgs
Dbol 1-4 40 mgs ad kickstart
Tren e 3-10 500 mgs aw
Aromasin 1-12 12.5 mgs eod
Hcg 1-12 250iu twice a week
Hcg 8-12 500iu twice a week

Aromasin 12-16 12.5 mgs ed
Clomid 12-16 100,75,50,50

This will be my first tren run. I know a lot of people say to run tren a for your first time. I'm not too worried about the sides, I've handled previous cycles really well with little sides. Acne gives me the most trouble. I'd really appreciate any suggestions or tweaks any of you guys might suggest. Thanks for your time guys.
welcome to MC and i would gradually up the tren E as it is your first time and not being able to sleep for a week might suck
Welcome to MC. Your not worried about the side because you've never ran it. Lol. I both love and hate tren. Lol
Haha yeah 4sure! @valkyrie The sleepless nights might have me singing a different tune 4 weeks in. Thanks @IronJulios for the suggestion. I was actually thinking of going 300,400,500, mgs aw for weeks 3-5. To see how my body reacts. Other then that any other suggestions? What do you guys think of running hcg all cycle or last 4 weeks going into pct? Once again thanks everyone!
Hello to everyone here @ MuscleChemistry! Looking for some of your vet experience. I've run 4 cycles in the last 4 years. Mostly 10 week Test deca Dbol ran with aromasin and hcg. Clomid nolva pct. Great gains! Currently I'm 5'10" 223 12%Bf. Looking to run a lean bulk.

Test e 500mgs aw 1-2. 250 mgs aw 3-9
Test p 10-12 200,150,100 mgs
Dbol 1-4 40 mgs ad kickstart
Tren e 3-10 500 mgs aw
Aromasin 1-12 12.5 mgs eod
Hcg 1-12 250iu twice a week
Hcg 8-12 500iu twice a week

Aromasin 12-16 12.5 mgs ed
Clomid 12-16 100,75,50,50

This will be my first tren run. I know a lot of people say to run tren a for your first time. I'm not too worried about the sides, I've handled previous cycles really well with little sides. Acne gives me the most trouble. I'd really appreciate any suggestions or tweaks any of you guys might suggest. Thanks for your time guys.

yeah bro that cycle layout is a HOT MESS! glad i took a look! Its too all over the place brutha, keep it simple, no need to stagger the gear like that. no point in dropping your test e just to pick up with propionate for 3 weeks, its all fucked up bro.

just run it simple
Thanks for the reply Presser. I want to run my test 2 weeks longer then the tren, but I didn't want to wait the 2 weeks before starting my PCT. That's why I switched to test p at the end of the cycle, slowly reducing the test while doing an Hcg blast going into PCT. In my head this makes sense LOL! Other then the test p at the end anything else I should change up? Thanks again for your time!
Dbol kickstart will get you through the 3-4 weeks waiting for test e.
Running tren a would be a better choice, allowing you to moderate doses based on sides. ( quicker acting and adjustments in dosing will be noticeable sooner )
I'll leave pct advice for some of the veterans.
I have no personal experience with hcg either.
Good luck brother.

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