New cycle


Gold Member
Okay I've been off for a while...lost a few pounds due to some stuff going on lately but I'm ready to jump back on the wagon for my 2nd cycle.

10 week cycle of:

150mg eod Prop 1-10
115mg eod Tren 1-10
50mg ed Winny 6-10

I'm more interested in gaining good quality muscle rather than an all out cutter. Hopefully gain 10+lbs muscle while loosing 2+% bf. Tall order I :)

My stats are 5'9, 175lbs ~11% bf.

My calorie intake should be around 3500 per day.
~350 carbs
~375 Protein
~60 fat

My goal is a pretty clean diet mostly chicken, brown rice, oats, fish, protein shakes/bars, veggies. I'm going to try to keep the fats unsaturated for the most part.

What do you guys think? Any suggestions?
You might want to add some eq. Also up the calories to 4500. Protein is great!!!!!If you start getting a little fat, knock down the carbs a little.. gotta love the eq. :)

I was thinking about adding that as well. My last cycle consisted of:

600mg/week Test Enanth
400mg/week EQ
20mg Nolvadex ed

alright results. I was up to 185 and about 11% bf. Then some stessful situations and poor choices led to my signifacant drop in weight.

MB - Do you have any suggestions on how I can up the calories but still keep it pretty clean and obtainable? I work 50 hours per week usually so eating is one of my toughest tasks out of anything. Also its one of my leading causes of stress which makes me less hungry overall. Any quick meals or high protein MRP's would be preferable as free time is very limited.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Also I know Nolvadex causes a decrease in IGF1 therefore limiting gains. I have a large supply of it still, but would it be preferable to switch to liquidex? I'm thinking the nolvadex caused my not so great gains in my first cycle...what do you guys think?
for upping your cals i suggest just hit extra protien. take in shakes that contain fruits/protien powder/milk/lil honey. that should up the cals. if u have two to three extra shakes that should be awsome. also its pretty clean.

EQ will also help your appetite.

nolvadex wont hinder your gains. its just a lot of hype, it doesnt really effect your gains. it helps u with water retention. looking at your cycle u can probably get away with 10mg/day up it to 20 post cycle.