PCT during cycle?


New member
Hey guys,

Just a quick question that I'd love answered by some of the pros here.

I will be running a cutting cycle of:

Test Propionate 150 Every other day Week 1 - 10
Tren Acetate 100mg Every other day 1 - 10
Winny 50mg Everyday 6-10

I have Nolva on hand for my PCT. However, with some further reading... people are suggesting that it may be better to start PCT from day 1 of my cycle... others are saying towards the end... some are even saying you dont even need a PCT (sounds a bit crazy to me).

So, Im all ears and open to recommendations. I have Nolvadex on hand but if its not enough I am again open to suggestions as to what to purchase and such.

Thanks in advance
Before you read this remember: THIS IS FROM MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

First off I would only run tren for 6 weeks since it is really harsh on your filtration system (kidneys, liver). Also depending on what your previous cycle history is you may not need to run anything while on cycle. For ex., I am always fine with no anti-e's during a cycle while other need to run it from day one. You need to figure out what your body responds to.

As for that cycle this is what I would modify it to:

test prop: 150mgs EOD weeks 1-10
Tren ace: 50-100 mgs(depending on cycle experience) EOD (weeks 1-5or6)
Winny: 50 mgs/week for FIRST 6 weeks

Ive noticed and also heard many more positive stories of using winny in the beginning rather than at the end.

Just remember this is just from my own personal ex. and someone else's could be very different.

Just my 2 cents. Bump for more responses.

If you want a more in depth evaluation just PM me or any of the other reps. We all have a lot of combined experience. :thumbsup:

Good Luck.
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