

New member
Gold Member
i kinda cramming this all in but it just happen to work out this way.
16 weeks out from july 17 (east coast champ. del) i started my cycle of 500 mg primoteston 1-10
400 mg deca 1-10
20 mg dbol 1-6
then i gonna run 100mg prop 11-16
75mg tren 11-16
50mg win 11-16
should i use clomid or hcg in between? should i use nolvaldex the whole time? yoos tell me
all suggestions appreciated
Smackdaddy said:
I'd at least run HCG at 500iu every third day and nolva only if gyno symptoms arise.

Well i was gonna say about a 1000 EW whould help your guys stay there normal size as wel as make for a faster recovery.
In the beggining you may need the nolva with the primotestin and the dbol but I doubt at the end when you're using the prop which has a lower rate of conversion than the heavier test esters. I'd use a little hcg through out but def. save the clomid for the end there is no sense wasting it during the cycle.