Rep Power

i couldnt tell you bro i havent touched one since i became a rep i just let the members and other mods take care of it if somebody has an exceptional post then ill bring it up but i dont know what happened and why it went lower.
I can't even click on it for anyone so I have no idea what the problem is. Sounds like a job for the site directors.
regular members can click other members rep power, and if ur rep power is low then other members think ur postsd recently deserved negative rep, it might be the balloon up the ass thread but hey im just guessing
yes we are and to be honest the rep power thing isnt a big deal..dont let it get to you bud..its no conspiracy against you bud, just keep contributing and havning fun thats what these boards are about..learning and having fun, the second people start taking this shit very very seriously i am willing to bet they still live with there parents and hate the world cuz of it LOL
38532nd said:
I see presser....But aren't we all here to learn from each other....

yeah but i fail to see ur point in this comment, u asked why its low and its ur fellow bretherin here who give and take rep pwer to one another, so all im saying is if a member thinks another members contributions have been worthy or positive rep power they will add it and vice versa, i have no control over it, its ur peers bro