wk 3 IGF update

type of food. basicly no suger except for during and post workout. energy output. and the more muscle mass you carry. the easier it is to keep lean. on occasion clen, t-3, and a larger dose of GH get me REAL lean real fast too.

Has anyone had success with injectable BN-12 to boost appetitie? I cannot friggin eat anymore but am stuck. Any thoughts would be approceiated
IGF @ 30mcg, GH @ 6iu, slin @ 10iu 2x daily, and 2g prop make me so hungry I never feel full. I just ate three plates of mexican food for a total bill of 47 bucks. I'm still hungry so I'm gonna hammer a phatty shake.

More power to ya sqautter.
The best I can do is maybe 3 days a week @ 5500cals and a couple around 4000cal. Im just trying to keep my protein high and get my morning and mid day carbs in. after training in the evenings I'll do a hefty shake and 120gms of a malto dextrin drink....at least Im not shrinking !
well, I've always been a very hard gainer. I have alot of buddies that eat alot less than me but are thicker. I have found that I simply have to eat more than most guys to grow. it's an individual thing for me I guess.
