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  1. B

    Thanks MC!.. you put me in a hell of position!!!! lol

    Reading some of these posts make me think there is crack in those bottles. LOL. Just kidding. I know its good stuff.
  2. B

    Cardio time

    I see significant fat reduction if I run longer distances 3-4 times per week. 3-4 miles per session although I'm sure I also lose some muscle mass as well. Running 1 mile a few times per week barely even registered for me.
  3. B

    Picked up some more DMZ this week.

    Good stuff for strength gains. Not much size, but definitely some muscle development. My biggest issue though is I think it killed my joints. I have developed some bad golfer or tennis elbow issue after using it for a month or so. Even after stopping the issue has remained. I started back up and...
  4. B

    Stair steppers...

    I could but it also depends on how you lean when you are stepping. Lean forward and it hits quads more. Lean back and it hits glutes/hams more.
  5. B

    Stair steppers...

    I thought the stair stepper was for women/old people....until I actually tried it. lol. 15-20mins on it - I'm sweating uncontrollably and huffing/puffing like a little baby. It is hardcore.
  6. B

    Pop Lock and DROP IT...

    He was doing virtual squats. It's where you load the weight up and imagine yourself doing squats with heavy weight. I hear it works great. lol
  7. B

    Preworkout problems...

    At first stuff like jacked made me feel horrible...sweats, mental confusion, and almost dizzy. The feeling wore off after a while. I stopped taking it when I took time off from the gym. Haven't felt the need to start using it again.
  8. B


    My girlfriend juices almost every morning. Normally mixtures of fruit and vegetable juice. Apple, carrot, and a little ginger is a good mix. She has juiced all sorts of fruits, leafy greens, squash, and even sweet potatoes. She recently picked up a Blendtec blender that is pretty nice. Those...
  9. B

    Does anyone ever think about stopping it all

    Yeah, I get it for sure. I did AAS for years knowing that I didn't want to compete and just wanted to be as strong and as big as possible, but these days for me the benefits just don't out weigh the issues. Being big is uncomfortable in many aspects. It feels good to be the biggest guy in the...
  10. B

    Neck locking up

    oh man I used to get the neck muscle cramp after yawning from time to time. It's a terrible feeling. I notice it helps to push up hard on the muscle in between your chin and neck. After doing that the cramping would normally stop.
  11. B

    Does anyone ever think about stopping it all

    Maybe I'm the odd man out, but I got sick of worrying about the illegal aspects of BB. I'm no professional bodybuilder and just don't have the genetics for it. There is no real purpose for me to squat 700lbs and bench press 400lbs. Lifting heavy weights all those years has tore up my joints and...
  12. B

    Failed PR?

    That is some serious don't feel bad you probably just psyched yourself out. I'm sure you'll hit it next time. However if it makes you feel any better. You can have comfort in knowing that the weight would literally crush me. lol. I highly doubt I could not even lift it off the rack...
  13. B

    Crock Pot Recipes (anyone got them)

    Chicken Adobo Whole chicken cut into pieces or chicken thighs/drums/etc 1 onion 8-10 cloves garlic about 1/2 cup vinegar about 3/4 cup soy sauce You can also throw some bell pepper in there if you like. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. Serve with some sliced green onions over some brown rice...
  14. B

    Skin tearing ?!

    I've only torn skin on my hands/wrists
  15. B

    Chronic tendonitus

    Mine has not improved at all...its been over a month and I have only trained with weights maybe 4-5 times. Any movement of my elbow results in pain including just running. It sucks. If you figure out something that helps let us know.
  16. B

    Annoying Neighbor: Cheapest yet largest thing I can have delivered to house

    This isn't just annoying but down right disrespectful. You need to have a conversation with the guy and tell him to knock this shit off.
  17. B

    Little guys in the gym...

    Don't even bother with those knuckle heads. It will just piss you off even more if you waste your time on them and they don't listen to anything you are saying. I tend to ignore all the weird crazy stuff people do and I am better for it. lol.
  18. B

    Muscle= SEX

  19. B

    surgery next week to repair forearm tendon

    damn...all of these elbow and tendon issues has got me worried about mine. Were you in excruciating pain or was it a constant nagging pain? Mine has been a constant nagging pain with occasional bursts of sharp pain depending on how I move my arm, lifting weight certain ways, etc.
  20. B

    Prescription Nutrition Rep

    Awesome brother. I know Mike mentioned a cake batter flavor of whey. Any updates on if that will be available in the future?