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  1. P

    Legs and clothing issues.

    I have 28" thighs and a 34" waist so I feel ya bro. I can't wear anything but baggy jeans. Calves 20" too. The first place that my jeans wear out are between the legs were my legs rub together. It is something I have dealt with most of my adult life so I am used to it. I have to try on...
  2. P

    Synovex-H straight up?

    Dreww, What method did u use and did it remove the estradiol benzoate.
  3. P

    Oshkey's IGF + a couple other things log.

    Oshkey, I thought your abs looked great in the pictures. You did say that you wanted a full 6-pack from what I saw you have it. I think you would probably like having a more muscular midsection. Try doing cable crunches and hanging leg raises being sure to rotate the hips up as you raise your...
  4. P

    DNP and drug test

    Never know, people do some crazy stuff these to get high. Never unerstood it myself, I don't like the feeling. I didn't think dnp would cause a positive test, just wanted to be certian. Thanks for the responses.
  5. P

    DNP and drug test

    Will DNP cause a positive drug test? It was just a basic drug screening for narcotics.
  6. P

    workouts that you never forget.

    Seems I forgot to mention the sorness after that workout. I trained in the afternoon and I remember getting up the next morning and getting out of bed. As I got up I tried to stand and I literally feel down from the shock of the pain. Needless to say the next few days were rough.
  7. P

    workouts that you never forget.

    Most of mine are leg workouts. They usually end with me puking my guts out. I recall a heavy leg day that had us doing squats first. I worked my way up to 630lbs for 4 reps. That set ended with me on the floor flat on back gasping for air and seeing stars, it was great. Next was leg press...
  8. P

    Friend who won't listen to reason

    Tool, I have been around the bodybuilding community for about 20 years and come across many people like this. As some others have said he will simply have to learn on his own. If you want to be a good friend you can help him pick up the pieces when he finally finds out that he really screwed...
  9. P

    The Special Ops Fitness Test

    The USMC physical fitness test (PFT) requirments are a little higher. These requirements are for all Marines regardless of occupation or speciality. 3-mile run: 18 minutes is the goal Pull-ups: 20 reps is the goal. No kipping or excessive swinging allowed. Crunches: 100 reps in under...
  10. P

    pre workout supps

    I workout at 5 a.m. Protien shake, 5g creatine, granola bar, and cup of coffee is all I can stomach that early.
  11. P

    To all the lurkers:

    Many lurkers like myself don't have a lot of time to post. I join in when i can.
  12. P

    Technique for short slin pins on Novolog pens...

    I've had the same problem. Pull the skin in the area you are about to inject tight, push in needle, depress plunger then pull out needle and release skin at the same time. It worked for me by quickly closing the small hole that was made during injection. Could work for you.
  13. P

    fats when dieting

    EFA's when dieting are very important. My body would never drop below the 5% bodyfat range required for competion without them. I have used flax, fish oils, and CLA before now I just prefer to eat some almonds and salmon. If you eat almonds or other nuts for your fats just pay close attention...
  14. P

    How do you run your tren?

    I am talking about tren acetate, which I usually make myself. I haven't tried the tren ethanate but i have heard it has a longer half-life.
  15. P

    When did you first realize you were big?

    Watching a home video of christmas morning. I was sitting in the floor with shorts and a t-shirt on. At the time I was 240lbs and I am only 5'8". I couldn't believe that I looked like that.
  16. P

    How do you run your tren?

    Agree with MMX2 I have had good result with EOD. I have also done 150mg MWF and no weekend shots with good results.
  17. P

    Exercises for Triceps

    I love close grip bench but usually do them free weight. If you are not feeling them alot in the tris try doing a few sets of pushdown dropsets first. I also love to superset pushdown with seated dips, blows the tris up! I have had periods of time where my elbows were very sore and unable to...
  18. P


    I have been to good number of bb shows as well as competing in them. I only compete in NPC shows. The NPC show are generally run better and more organized than other organizations. Try the NPC's website to start. Your state NPC should have their own sight as well. You can also call the...
  19. P

    Great Board! New here

    Yes, I was stationed at MCAS Cherry Point.