10 of the best steroid cycles.

4,8,9 are the best in my opinion.

Its so important to switch your gear after week 8. The body starts adapting and gains become stagnent. Plus these cycles are still intermediate at best. Sounds crazy I know but it's the truth. Estrogen and prolactin blockers need to be In place the whole time and diet of course. The food needs to be big and clean.
4,8,9 are the best in my opinion.

Its so important to switch your gear after week 8. The body starts adapting and gains become stagnent. Plus these cycles are still intermediate at best. Sounds crazy I know but it's the truth. Estrogen and prolactin blockers need to be In place the whole time and diet of course. The food needs to be big and clean.

good advice right there, receptors get saturated so ya gott a switch it up now and then
ehh, what about when it comes to long acting esters like deca that really don't get the full effect until about week 6 or so
ehh, what about when it comes to long acting esters like deca that really don't get the full effect until about week 6 or so

IMO longer esters are different animals altogether. Those must be treated with a different set of boundaries, but with the same basic rules so to speak.....;)
I see what your saying, long esters kinda fall into the whole slow and steady wins the race

Exactly. I got in a bad spot with Deca once though. Took 3 damn weeks for my dick to work on its own. Its great for the long steady race until it bites ya.....lol
up the test

I did and nothing helped til I ended the deca altogether. Thought it was just the deca, but Tren did the same thing. Even a gram a week of Test didn't help. I added Mast Prop and it helped considerably!!!
exactly. I got in a bad spot with deca once though. Took 3 damn weeks for my dick to work on its own. Its great for the long steady race until it bites ya.....lol

been there exactly like that from exactly that steroid! Sucked balls!
Id say some of the best steroid cycles are IM stacked with some solid orals... Many of which can be found at Hardcore Powders - Buy Prohormones ; Add a Kick to your cycle!
A lot of these are over 2 grams a week. A lot of guys with limited experiece are going to have problems with side effects. Steroid cycles are thigns that escalate over time. I rarely see this brought up. Th guy who is a year into this sees these cycles thinks theis 2-2.5 gram cycles and figures this is the answer. 6 weeks in he is riddled with side effects. Better to take it slow and work up o these things. Then agai I have average genetics and in my 50s Ic an hold 230 lean at 5'8" on 1/2 a gram of stuff. Some of these cycles reallya re overkill.
A lot of these are over 2 grams a week. A lot of guys with limited experiece are going to have problems with side effects. Steroid cycles are thigns that escalate over time. I rarely see this brought up. Th guy who is a year into this sees these cycles thinks theis 2-2.5 gram cycles and figures this is the answer. 6 weeks in he is riddled with side effects. Better to take it slow and work up o these things. Then agai I have average genetics and in my 50s Ic an hold 230 lean at 5'8" on 1/2 a gram of stuff. Some of these cycles reallya re overkill.

agreed, less is more, slow and steady!
Ok well heres is 11 through 20 of the best bulking and cutting steroid cycles, with HGH, peptides, and SARMS please of course include all PCT meds SERMS like nolvadex, etc…

Steroid Cycle Names Vary, but usually originate from what people who haven't seen you in a while say to you after finishing up your current cycle

11. Steroid Cycle Name: "Dude, WTF!"

Testosterone cypionate - 750mg per week, weeks 1-16
Boldenone Equipoise - 800mg per week, weeks 1-16
Anadrol - 50mg daily weeks 1-3
Testosterone suspension - 100mg per day, weeks 1-3
Fina, Parabolan Trenbolone acts or tren hex - 50mg per day weeks 1-4 then 12-16
Winstrol at the last - 50mg daily weeks 3-7 and then 13-16
IGF-1 lr3 50-80mcgs daily from www.musclechemistry.com

12. Steroid Cycle Name: "What Show You Doing?"

Testosterone Propionate - 200mg every other day, weeks 1-16
Nandrolone Decanoate - 600mg per week, weeks 1-12
Stanozolol aka Winstrol - 50mg every other day 1-4 and 12-16
Masteron - 100mg per day, weeks 10-16
Trenbolone Acetate - 100mg per day weeks 1-3 then 50mg daily 12-16
IGF-1 lr3 50-80mcgs daily from www.musclechemistry.com

Stay tuned for my steroid cycle combination guide and pointless naming of cycles! more to come shortly!
#8 cycle should be removed good luck running that much EQ and Deca with only 300mg of prop/week max! #4 front load cycle could work but tapering down on test should take longer when starting at 2000mg starting on week one. Plus why switch from a50 to dbol at all or even stay on that long? Going weeks using a long test ester and switching to a short test ester the same week is also asking for problems like a "test spike and sides" . Also starting a 12-15 week cycle with a enanthate then switching to a acetate thinking it is leaning you out is crazy without following a meal plan.
#8 cycle should be removed good luck running that much EQ and Deca with only 300mg of prop/week max! #4 front load cycle could work but tapering down on test should take longer when starting at 2000mg starting on week one. Plus why switch from a50 to dbol at all or even stay on that long? Going weeks using a long test ester and switching to a short test ester the same week is also asking for problems like a "test spike and sides" . Also starting a 12-15 week cycle with a enanthate then switching to a acetate thinking it is leaning you out is crazy without following a meal plan.

lol, its just some dudes sample cycle brutha lmao, that what he ran, and while i agree its not a very good cycle at all, to each their own, lol

and if anyone even thinks about editing that thread or deleting cycle #8, i will shit a bird lol, cause that thread is first page of every search engine for many high volume searches on cutting and bulking steroid cycles!

so please do not touch it lol,

your welcome to share your sample cycles though in a reply? how would you run those steroids in a cycle properly? what dosages and when and how long. go for it, as this thread is super popular and loads of guys and gals visit it every day

so help them out daddio!