No gains need help


New member
Trying to figure out what's going on. I'm training like a beast 5 days a week. Eating 200g of protein a day. Getting plenty of sleep. Applying 80mcg a day to my quads of MC's IGF 1, plus 600 a week of EQ (I know the EQ is legit as my buddy is doing 400 and that's it and he's leaning out and growing like a weed), 400 a week of test gel (got an rx for it), 400mcg a day of Ipamorelin (from Southern Research). I should be growing like a weed. Nope. I'm actually LOSING ground. I gained weight but all my measurements are down. And the pics show it. So I gained fat and lost muscle mass. Thoughts? I'm seriously frustrated.
What are your stats, height, weight, age, and body type? What's your intake like, calories, carbs, water? How many meals per day?
What are your test levels? Gel is a very poor delivery system. You are also likely overtrained. I train 3 days a week tops and they aren't all super intense.
Give us a break down of your diet, training schedule, and routine. Once you get a couple things figured out, its pretty simple to make progress as long as you aren't expecting crazy gains.
What are your stats, height, weight, age, and body type? What's your intake like, calories, carbs, water? How many meals per day?

5'10", 177, 42, ectomorph, 1800 cal a day, about 150g of carbs a day, I'd say a gallon of water a day. 4 meals per day.

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what does 400 a week of test gel mean? it's dosed as a percentage

From the bottle of Axiron: (testosterone) topical solution. 30mg of testosterone per pump actuation. I use one pump per armpit a night so that's 60mg of testosterone per night x 7 nights in a week = 420mg of testosterone a week.
What are your test levels? Gel is a very poor delivery system. You are also likely overtrained. I train 3 days a week tops and they aren't all super intense.
Give us a break down of your diet, training schedule, and routine. Once you get a couple things figured out, its pretty simple to make progress as long as you aren't expecting crazy gains.
My test levels are actually normal. My doc is a very good friend so he writes the rx for me. I'm training 6 days a week. Monday: chest and a total of 20 sets. Tues: legs, total of 25 sets. Wed: Back, total of 20 sets, Thurs: Arms, total of 40 sets, Fri: Shoulders, total of 25 sets. Sat: Legs again, 25 sets. Abs and calves every day. Workouts are really intense, like can't move the next day intense. Going to start doing half an hour of cardio every morning upon waking. My workout buddy trains this way but the dude is a genetic mutant. I'm doing far more than him "supplement" wise and actually going backwards. Thoughts?

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How are you getting your protein? Hopefully it's more food and less shakes
Two shakes a day the rest is grilled chicken breast.
1800 Cals a day?

my wife eats close to double that.

i think thats where your problem is... any weight gain you have i doubt would be from fat but more water.
Geez man. You are so far off its a miracle you aren't seriously injured. Try this.
Train 3 days a week.
Break it up like this
Day 1. Chest and Biceps.
Day 2. Hamstrings and Quads
Day 3. Shoulders and calves
Day 4. Back and triceps and traps
Day 5. Calves and Abs.
Choose 3 exercises for each. 2 warm ups on the first exercise for each bodypart. After that 2 working sets per exercise. Aim for 12 reps in perfect form.
Train Every other day.
Eat 1lb of lean ground beef per day spread out over 3 meals. The other two meals can be a sandwich or something good with protein and carbs. Lasagna, spaghetti and meatballs, etc. protein shakes only after training. You need 3200 plus calories more like 4000. You need 220g of protein and hopefully 400 - 500g of carbs and maybe 80g of fats. once you follow this for 4 months you can adjust. Sleep 8+ hours a day and keep alcohol to a minimum.
Follow this to a T and you will gain quality muscle size and strength quickly. You may want to train more, but you can't. Relax and grow
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Yea I have to agree with The Dude, you are way overtraining. I'd never go over 15 sets for large muscle and under 10 for small muscle groups. 20 sets for chest is overkill. If you cut back on the volume you'll stop going backwards. Take a full week off from training and let your body rest then start fresh with a new training routine. The diet plan that The Dude set up will also allow you to gain quality muscle. But the first thing you need to do is to step back the training and re-evaluate
^^^^........THATS SOME GOOD ADVICE RIGHT THERE....^^^^^^^^nothing more to add..good luck with the change give it a month and weight your wife had the same problem not enough cals..she now preps all her weekly meals on a sunday..1800 is not even maitenance...over trained for sure..if i train that much and i do some times all i do is eat shit eat cook wash eat can suck ass getting the cals in but if u are gona do AAS u gota get the cals in..
The Dude and others are dead on bro! As an ecto you really need a lot of calories to grow. Make sure your breakfast is loaded, a good whey shake with at least 50 grams fast acting carbs post workout, and I'd add a casein shake before bedtime. And if you wake in the middle of night then down some more quality calories. Over training is something ecto's need to be very conscious of. Follow The Dudes plan, you should be in and out of gym in 40 minutes, and if you're trying to pack on pounds stay away from cardio! Trust thier advice and YOU will see results. Throw up some pics and maybe start a log so we can follow your progress brother! Good luck! And EAT EAT EAT!!!!!
Geez man. You are so far off its a miracle you aren't seriously injured. Try this.
Train 3 days a week.
Break it up like this
Day 1. Chest and Biceps.
Day 2. Hamstrings and Quads
Day 3. Shoulders and calves
Day 4. Back and triceps and traps
Day 5. Calves and Abs.
Choose 3 exercises for each. 2 warm ups on the first exercise for each bodypart. After that 2 working sets per exercise. Aim for 12 reps in perfect form.
Train Every other day.
Eat 1lb of lean ground beef per day spread out over 3 meals. The other two meals can be a sandwich or something good with protein and carbs. Lasagna, spaghetti and meatballs, etc. protein shakes only after training. You need 3200 plus calories more like 4000. You need 220g of protein and hopefully 400 - 500g of carbs and maybe 80g of fats. once you follow this for 4 months you can adjust. Sleep 8+ hours a day and keep alcohol to a minimum.
Follow this to a T and you will gain quality muscle size and strength quickly. You may want to train more, but you can't. Relax and grow

Thanks for the advice! Seriously, I thought I was overtraining. I need a new workout partner. That's a whole lotta cals. Gonna be tough to get in but can't grow out of nothing.
Take a full week off from training and let your body rest then start fresh

As hard as it might be, take a week off. Follow above advice best that you can. Dont beat yourself up if your not perfect.
Just keep trying to improve. More cals, less work should give you good results. Keep us posted. (after you let your body
rest for a week - lol)
You'd be surprised at how easily eating can be once you start doing it. Me and you are close in figures and I have a hard time getting in the calories, but when I do I respond very quickly to it. And you don't need to find a new partner, just change your sets and just be there to spot him when he's doing more sets. You can just do less volume with him, just don't take a long rest. Do 3-4 sets of one exercise then go to another even if he's still doing the first exercise