

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Ok I keep being told that I am over traing but I feel if I did less I would be cheating myself. I usually do 6 to 8 different workouts (I isolate everything bc I go 6 days a week) and I usually do 3 sets of 10(good weight) , or 4 sets of 10 8 6 4(goin a bit heavier), or 3 sets of 20 (Lighter to mid weights) per exercise. Is this really over training?
depends on you and what your body can handle and the gear you use...everyone is on different pages of overtraining. Some say its just at what intensity you train at. Others feel they need 5-6 days in the gym...give us a look at your split? What i do know is there is a limit to how much your CNS can handle and consecutive days can affect that and your recovery, which can lead to overtraining
lol Nuk.
Mike what do u mean by my split like my routine?
I go 6 days a week generally take sunday off. I do Chest on Mon., Bi's Tues, shoulders Wed, back Thurs, friday Triceps (lighter weight due to still recovering), Sat legs. Now sometimes I throw legs in there on a different day pushing the other stuff out a day further,I do alot of machine work and cables right now to stay safe, but I started incorporating DB's back into chest back and shoulders a week ago, I was doing them w bi's and tri's the whole time. I could be more specific if u want me to Mike, I just dont know if thats what U were asking, I train pretty intensely, I dont do a set than walk around and bs to everyone and stay there for 2 1/2 hours, I barely have any time in between sets esp if im there by myself, prolly dont take enough time between sets when Im there by myself, but im inpatient
lol Nuk.
Mike what do u mean by my split like my routine?
I go 6 days a week generally take sunday off. I do Chest on Mon., Bi's Tues, shoulders Wed, back Thurs, friday Triceps (lighter weight due to still recovering), Sat legs. Now sometimes I throw legs in there on a different day pushing the other stuff out a day further,I do alot of machine work and cables right now to stay safe, but I started incorporating DB's back into chest back and shoulders a week ago, I was doing them w bi's and tri's the whole time. I could be more specific if u want me to Mike, I just dont know if thats what U were asking, I train pretty intensely, I dont do a set than walk around and bs to everyone and stay there for 2 1/2 hours, I barely have any time in between sets esp if im there by myself, prolly dont take enough time between sets when Im there by myself, but im inpatient

yes thats what he is asking bro, still cant tell what ur realy doing volume wise, lay it out brutha
yes thats what he is asking bro, still cant tell what ur realy doing volume wise, lay it out brutha

Ok Monday chest:
`Hammerstrength incline~
1st set warm up w 90
2nd set 180
3rd set 270
4th set 320
all for sets of 10.
`Hammerstrength decline
1st set 180
2nd 270
3rd 270-320 (depending on how the tricep feels)
all sets of ten
`Incline Db press
1st with 60s
2nd with 70s
3rd with 75s (used to be 110s, working my way back up)
all for ten
`flat DB press
same as Incline
`Cable cross overs
1st 60kg
2nd 80kg
3rd 100kg
all for ten
`The cable raise where u go in like an "A" shap with hands from waist to about clavicle level
1st 30kg
2nd 40-50kg
3rd 50-70 kg
all for ten
`Chest flies w cable machine (that u can sit on backwards for rear delts)
1st 75
2nd 105
3rd 135
4th 150-165

Tues Bi's
Preacher eazy bar
35 warm up
1st 55
2nd 65
3rd 65-75
all for ten
Preacher Hammer curl (individually)
1st 35
2nd 40
3rd 45
all for ten
Seated supinated curls (pinky knuckle all the way up)
1st 30-35s
2nd 35-40s
3rd 40-45s
all for ten
standing cables (standing with hands extended laterally pulled into head)
1st 25-30kg
2nd 35-40kg
3rd 35-42.5kg
(weight is per side)
all for ten
(weight is KG per side)
cable curls (individually supinated hand from arm extended to pulling it to opposite side clavicle area)
1st 15 kg
2nd 20 kg
3rd 25 kg
all for ten
(weight is per side individually)
straight bar curl
1st 70-80
2nd 80-90
3rd 90-100
all for ten
Row Machine with rope laying on back, knees bent up going from inside of knees to shoulders
1st 20-25 kg
2nd25-30 kg
3rd 30-35kg
(form doesnt spread as well as I go up)
every other week after that I will do standing hammer curls with 45s for sets of 15 to 20 each for 2 to 3 sets just to burn out

I will have to write more tomorrow bc Imma go to bed, keep in mind I am coming off an injury and surgery 5 months ago In which the first month I couldnt flex or extend my right arm, about 2 1/2 months I had almost complete range of motion and at about 3 1/2 months I started lifting with right arm again, I started on hammerstrength press not even being able to do 10 pounds for ten with right arm, and I could do 4 plates for ten on left.
Dude that is a TON of volume. Your doing four different pressing moves for chest. I can't say that it is definately over training because that varies for everyone, but you might be close. The best way to tell is if you are still gaining. Are you putting weight on(if that's your goal), getting stronger? You probably don't want to go in the gym and do x amt of weight for four sets of ten if that's exactly what you've been doing for a set amount of time. I try to increase either the reps done with a certain weight, or increase the weight itself everytime I hit the gym.
If you are not progressing anymore you have to look at your training, diet and rest. Some people simply need to increase cals to keep gaining, or get more sleep. If training, diet and rest are all "fine" then you need to increase your doses.

But judging from what you posted already, I would say you can cut back at least a little. You don't grow while your in the gym bro, you grow when you are at home resting. You get in, hit it hard and get the fuck out.
I have found that for me personally I do best with a middle of the road strategy in regards to volume. But I also like to train everything twice per week. Once a week just doesn't seem to do it for me, it's more of a maintenance strategy.
I do 20 to 25 sets when I isolate as well. I don't think anyone but you can answer this question bro. If you are resting and eating right and feel good you probably are fine. Gear is gonna have an impact and personally on gear 30 sets per body part on a similar split is not unheard of for me. I am playing with 4 days rt now myself and alternating cardio intensity to see how I grow, but you are definitely not doing more volume than me. If you start staying sick you are overtraining. Then again that is gonna be due to diet and supplementation too. I think diet and rest play as much impact on this as volume personally so I do agree with tri terror to an extent as well.
im not a volume fan to start with so im bias in this...never more than 20 sets for large body parts and not more than 10-12 for smaller muscles...your at 21 sets for bis and thats just out of my realm of thought...if youre doing heavy rows, deads, etc...your bis will grow from that more than all that focused work, ie read some chad waterbury, even doggcrapp....

But if its working for you then keep progressing in what you are doing. listen to your body in how you feel. dont let ego make you go to the gym and train and train and train...you gotta pull yourself out of that mentality sometimes
Honestly I dont feel like im pushing myself too hard, and like I said if I am by myself I could do these workouts in around 45 minutes, I dont do really heavy deads but im just getting back into them, I think last time I was doing sets of 10 with 225, squats arent really heavy either but once again im just getting back into those, yesterday the heaviest set was 275 for 10 on smith. Given my tricep injury I have to kind of go middle of the road, Im sure I could go alot heavier with less reps or sets, but when the PT said 3 months ago "Dont worry about gaining weight worry about healing, If u rip the tri again your done" kinda sits in my head as I workout, do u want me to finish with the rest of my workouts?
Oh as far as gear Im super super super light right now 5mg Anadrol ED 12.5 Proviron ED, 50mg NPP EOD, 1 clomid a week broken in half for a couple day spread, I have done this for almost 2 weeks and gained 4 pounds back.
cool. get yourself healthy and ease back into everything...no point in rushing...
yeah thats been the plan, not an easy one to follow but Im sticking with it and just gradually increasing weight, so hopefully no troubles down the road
Oh as far as gear Im super super super light right now 5mg Anadrol ED 12.5 Proviron ED, 50mg NPP EOD, 1 clomid a week broken in half for a couple day spread, I have done this for almost 2 weeks and gained 4 pounds back.

wouldnt it be better to hit diffrent supplements bro? i would hit deca eq at 400mg a piece with igf, ive never torn a muscle (knock on wood) but would supplements that promote joint lubrication and blood volume be better to take? im not knocking what your doing bro, just asking to find out your method of healing up.
I havent been working for some time now so Igf is out of the question. I would have eq if my order from december ever truely ships, and NPP helps connective tissue. I tore my tendon, I wish it was just a muscle tear, tendons dont get very much blood flow thru them and they take a very long time to heal, anadrol keeps water on which is good for joints. but is seriously such a low dose just to help a little bit and combat me getting out of shape any worse
Dam some of u guys sure do a whole lot more sets then i do, I am usualy good for about 16-20 sets per muscle, each set is always to failure as thats just how i train but i dont do to many exercises per body part, maybe 4 possibly 5