Push's Cycle Log

Vacation coming soon?

I just went for a week, stress was high.

To save your trip relax before going because I had to much to do before going. Things didn't go as expected at all and I got pissed!!!
I got stuck doing everything I said NO! about before going!

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Yeah brother vacation is week from tomorrow, couple days at the beach and the rest doing stuff local.
Definitely stressful the closer it gets.
Thursday was a pull session.
Pullups BW 5x10-12
Bent barbell rows 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x10/10/12
DB shrugs 4x20
Rear delt flyes w/ upright rows 3x12/10, 1x20/14
Alt DB curls 2x15, 1x12, 3x7-9, 1x11, 1x15
Seated hammer curls w/ ez bar curls 4x10/10

Thursday: Calories 3854, Pro 291, Carbs 400, Fat 106

No training Friday
Friday: Calories 3620, Pro 274, Carbs 327, Fat 120

Today was Leg Day
Seated leg curls 2x20, 3x15, 1x20
Smith squats 1x20, 3x15, 2x10, 2x15
Leg press 3x20, ds 1x20/20
Leg extensions 4x15
Seated calf raises rp 2x15/12, 2x10/10, 1x15/10

Today: Calories 3760, Pro 248, Carbs 401, Fat 107

Not sure if I'll train tomorrow.....

Happy Fathers Day.
Today I got a Push session in the garage after work.
Flat bench 1x15, 3x10, 1x15
Incline DB press 4x12
Seated DB shoulder press 4x12
Standing side lateral raises 4x15
DB skullcrushers 4x15
Seated French press 4x15

Calories 3625
Pro 295
Carbs 332
Fat 112

Weight 173 this a.m.
Pull session tomorrow.
Happy Fathers Day.
Today I got a Push session in the garage after work.
Flat bench 1x15, 3x10, 1x15
Incline DB press 4x12
Seated DB shoulder press 4x12
Standing side lateral raises 4x15
DB skullcrushers 4x15
Seated French press 4x15

Calories 3625
Pro 295
Carbs 332
Fat 112

Weight 173 this a.m.
Pull session tomorrow.
Good job!!!
I hit arms with dumbbells inside. Lol
Vacation week off from workouts.
I stopped most of gear into cruise and got a dam hemme on outer ass!!!
Going to Dr in morning see if it can be drained!
Be grateful!!!
It was minor and squating to heavy done it.

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Good job!!!
I hit arms with dumbbells inside. Lol
Vacation week off from workouts.
I stopped most of gear into cruise and got a dam hemme on outer ass!!!
Going to Dr in morning see if it can be drained!
Be grateful!!!
It was minor and squating to heavy done it.

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Dammit brother.
Yes, everyday healthy is a day to be grateful for.
Hopefully it is easily remedied.

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Pulldowns wide neutral 1x15, 3x10HS iso row 4x12
SS: HS iso low row w/ HS standing shrugs 4x10/10
Face pulls 4x12
Machine rear delt flyes 4x12
Low Cable bar curls 1x20, 3x12-15
Machine preacher curls 5x10-12
Seated hammer curls 3x10

Calories 3625
Pro 257
Carbs 419
Fat 84

Today was a Push session.
Incline bench press 1x20, 3x15
Flat DB press 1x15, 3x12
Close grip bench press 1x15, 3x10
DB skullcrushers 1x15, 3x12
Seated DB shoulder press 1x20, 3x12
Standing side lateral raises 3x15, 1x20
Upright raises 3x12

Calories 3573
Pro 311
Carbs 345
Fat 82

Tomorrow is work and then Vacation Prep....
Then I'll be at the beach til Sunday with the family.
No training for the next 4-5 days.
When I get back hopefully I can post some new TD pics and the plan for the next 3 months......
Back from the beach yesterday.

Wednesday macros: Calories 3506, Pro 251, Carbs 342, Fat 94
Thursday macros: Calories 3917, Pro 214, Carbs 428, Fat 125
Friday macros: Calories 3847, Pro 252, Carbs 432, Fat 101
Saturday macros: Calories 4241, Pro 212, Carbs 461, Fat 160

Yesterday got back midday, went to the gym and hit legs.
Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 1x20, 3x15
Hack squat 2x20, 3x15
Leg press 2x20, 3x17, dropset 1x15/15/20
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/8, 2x10/5, 1x15/8
Machine calf raises 4x10
Leg extensions ds 1x15/12, 1x12/8, 1x12/8

Yesterday macros: Calories 3997, Pro 255, Carbs 403, Fat 145

Today I got a pull session in.
Pulldowns neutral close 2x15, 3x10
Pulldowns neutral wide 3x10
Cable low row close neutral 3x12
Cable low row wide neutral 3x12
SS: HS iso low row w/ HS standing shrugs 1x15/15, 3x12/12
Face pulls 4x12
Machine rear delt flyes 4x10
Machine preacher curls 1x20, 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x12/10
Low cable rope hammer curls 1x15, 3x10, 1x15

Tomorrow is a push session.
Yesterday's Macros: Calories 3301, Pro 239, Carbs 409, Fat 60

Weight 174 this a.m.

Today I got a Push session in at the gym.
Cable crossover flyes 1x25, 3x15
HS iso incline press 1x20, 1x15, 3x12, 1x15
Flat DB press 2x12, 3x9-10
Pec dec 3x12
Machine shoulder press 1x15, 4x12
Seated side lateral raises 4x15
Smith close grip press 2x12, 3x7-9, 1x12
Tricep rope push downs 4x12, dropset 1x12/15





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Legs today.
Bike 7 mins
Seated leg curls 4x20
Leg extensions 4x20
SS: smith squats w/ leg press 5x12/12
Seated calf raises 4x15
Hip abductors 4x20
Lying single leg curls 3x15

TD Pic of next run.
I have some short esters to use for the next couple weeks while these long esters build up.
Not sure if/when I'll run the clen or not but proviron is a staple for me.



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Pull session after work today.
BW Pullups wide 5x12
DB low row 4x10
DB high row 4x12
DB shrugs 4x15
DB rear delt flyes 4x15
Alt DB curls 1x20, 3x12, 2x20
Seated hammer curls 4x10

Calories 3281
Pro 304
Carbs 331
Fat 68

Next 2 days no training, busy couple days at work.
Rest Day today.

Calories 3232
Pro 254
Carbs 327
Fat 79

If at all possible I'll get a Push session in tomorrow after work.
Because I love Peanut Butter but I try to stay away from it unless i'm bulking, I ordered some of this Peanut butter powder.
I have 2 tbsp. in the morning with my milk and 2 tbsp in my shakes.
Each serving of 2 tbsp. is 8g protein and only 2g fat.

Legs today.
Bike 7 mins
Seated leg curls 4x20
Leg extensions 4x20
SS: smith squats w/ leg press 5x12/12
Seated calf raises 4x15
Hip abductors 4x20
Lying single leg curls 3x15

TD Pic of next run.
I have some short esters to use for the next couple weeks while these long esters build up.
Not sure if/when I'll run the clen or not but proviron is a staple for me.

Nice! That is pretty stuff there!
Love the bottles and there synthetic clear oils!!!

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Rest Day today.

Calories 3232
Pro 254
Carbs 327
Fat 79

If at all possible I'll get a Push session in tomorrow after work.
Resting is about all I been doing brother!!!
Had to have the surgery's!!!
But I hope to get released next week later part of week or the following one it depends. But I felt good and recovered enough to do some light dumb bells
Will try to keep at it!!!

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But keep pushing brother!
I can't wait to get back at it!
I am gonna try to slow down with things from now on!!
Just in life, not worth the stress.

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Resting is about all I been doing brother!!!
Had to have the surgery's!!!
But I hope to get released next week later part of week or the following one it depends. But I felt good and recovered enough to do some light dumb bells
Will try to keep at it!!!

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Damn brother, sorry to hear that.
Good news is, you're on the road to recovery.
Hopefully repaired will be stronger more stable than ever.
Got a Push session in after work today.

Flat bench press rest pause 1x15/12, 1x12/8, 1x10/6, 1x8/4, 1x10/4, 1x12/5, 1x15/12
Incline DB press 4x10-12
Seated DB shoulder press 4x10
Standing side lateral raises 4x12
DB skullcrushers 4x12
Seated French press 4x12

Calories 3133
Pro 289
Carbs 298
Fat 70

Going to try to squeeze in a session tomorrow after work.
No Training Sunday.
Calories 3592, Pro 294, Carbs 388, Fat 77

Monday: Legs
Bike 7 mins
Lying single leg curls 2x15, 4x12
Leg extensions 1x20, 3x15, dropset 1x17/10
Leg press 1x20, 2x20, 3x15, dropset 1x20/25
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/8, 2x10/6, 1x15/8
Machine calf raises 4x10

Calories 3300, Pro 256, Carbs 389, Fat 61

Tuesday 4th of July
No training.
Calories 4369, Pro 226, Carbs 504, Fat 137

Today: Pull Session
Pulldowns wide 4x12
HS iso row 1x15, 2x10, 2x8, rp 1x15/10
Pulldowns neutral grip 4x12
SS: HS iso low row w/ HS Standing shrugs 4x12/12
Face pulls 4x12
Machine rear delt flyes 4x15
Low cable curls 4x15
Machine Preacher Curls 1x15, 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x12/12
Seated hammer curls 4x10

Calories 3588, Pro 280, Carbs 364, Fat 71 as of now.....
Tonight's Dinner




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Push session today.
Standing cable crossover 1x30, 1x20, 1x15, dropset 1x12/12
Slight incline DB press 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 4x10, 1x15
HS iso incline press 1x20, 3x10, dropset 1x15/15
Pec Dec 1x20, 1x15, 1x20
Machine shoulder press 1x20, 2x12, 1x15, drropset 1x12/10
Seated side lateral raises dropsets 4x15/12
Smith close grip press 1x15, 4x10
Rope push downs 4x15, dropsets 2x15/15

Rest Day tomorrow.