Sex Drive


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i have been on a long cycle for 6 month test p 100 mg EOD + test e 250 mg /W + tren E 250/W (only for 10 weeks in the middle of the cycle) + Dbol 60mg 4 weeks on 4 weeks off + Npp 100 mg EOD + MC IGF 7 weeks on 7 weeks off @ 100mcg preworkout on workout days only + Nolva 25mg ED + HCG every 4 weeks
my diet wasn't spot on but the results was amazing i was just constantly eating and just gaining weight and loosing i was up from 179lbs to 210 then dropped down to 198lbs around 6 - 7 % BF skin was very thin and details was never like i saw in my life . so thats the good part
beside the bodybuilding i do kickboxing as well which i consider as my cardio 3 times a week . my sex drive is always very high even when i am off cycle for as long as i can remember.
towards the end of the cycle i was in a kickboxing competition and i was fighting for 3rd place when i got kick really hard in the groin and the fight was so brutal that after i won i went straight to the hospital suffering from broken ribs and few cuts and bruises.
result to that i didn't get the chance to go to the gym for train at all for 8 weeks but i kept my cycle the same.
in the first few weeks of the injury everything was fine then all of a sudden i lost my sex drive totally so i tried to up the test still the same , tried Viagra nothing happend at all went to see a doctor to see if the kick left any physical damage which is effecting my sex drive but everything was fine . doctor even said up ur test and try to control ur estrogen levels so i upped the nolva to 50mg a day and test to 500mg test e /week and 200mg test p EOD and dropped everything else . but still nothing , then decided to drop all the gear and start PCT HMG 75 iu for 3 weeks + clomid 100mg ED for 2 weeks then 50 mg for 2 weeks then HCG for 4 weeks + nolva @ 25mg ed. i am 2 month now post pct and i am totally clean .
since i started the pct i started to have erections and have normal sex without a problem , BUT comparing to how i was all my life i feel i am still not me . i feel like i lost that motive to have sex that feeling u have in ur chest like fire which makes u horney all the time , and i just do it just for the sake of it and to prove but i still can have sex if that makes any sense .
so anymore gone through this before or have any idea what the hell is going on with me ??!!

Cheers Lads
Bro tren e can shut you down for awhile. It's not uncommon for it to last 1-2 months. then add to that what wanting to do it and not being able to does to your mind and your sex drive can take a bit longer to come back after your performance does. Did you get any blood work done post cycle? I'd say as long as that is good this will all resolve shortly as it looks like you are coming out of the worst of it.
i have been on a long cycle for 6 month test p 100 mg EOD + test e 250 mg /W + tren E 250/W (only for 10 weeks in the middle of the cycle) + Dbol 60mg 4 weeks on 4 weeks off + Npp 100 mg EOD + MC IGF 7 weeks on 7 weeks off @ 100mcg preworkout on workout days only + Nolva 25mg ED + HCG every 4 weeks
my diet wasn't spot on but the results was amazing i was just constantly eating and just gaining weight and loosing i was up from 179lbs to 210 then dropped down to 198lbs around 6 - 7 % BF skin was very thin and details was never like i saw in my life . so thats the good part
beside the bodybuilding i do kickboxing as well which i consider as my cardio 3 times a week . my sex drive is always very high even when i am off cycle for as long as i can remember.
towards the end of the cycle i was in a kickboxing competition and i was fighting for 3rd place when i got kick really hard in the groin and the fight was so brutal that after i won i went straight to the hospital suffering from broken ribs and few cuts and bruises.
result to that i didn't get the chance to go to the gym for train at all for 8 weeks but i kept my cycle the same.
in the first few weeks of the injury everything was fine then all of a sudden i lost my sex drive totally so i tried to up the test still the same , tried Viagra nothing happend at all went to see a doctor to see if the kick left any physical damage which is effecting my sex drive but everything was fine . doctor even said up ur test and try to control ur estrogen levels so i upped the nolva to 50mg a day and test to 500mg test e /week and 200mg test p EOD and dropped everything else . but still nothing , then decided to drop all the gear and start PCT HMG 75 iu for 3 weeks + clomid 100mg ED for 2 weeks then 50 mg for 2 weeks then HCG for 4 weeks + nolva @ 25mg ed. i am 2 month now post pct and i am totally clean .
since i started the pct i started to have erections and have normal sex without a problem , BUT comparing to how i was all my life i feel i am still not me . i feel like i lost that motive to have sex that feeling u have in ur chest like fire which makes u horney all the time , and i just do it just for the sake of it and to prove but i still can have sex if that makes any sense .
so anymore gone through this before or have any idea what the hell is going on with me ??!!

Cheers Lads

have you figured out the issue yet joe?
you say your 33 that's about the age when my sex drive started going down hill-getting old

you said all checked out fine with the doctor-but the drive isn't there as already mentioned could be due to the tren E

back when I use to fight I've been kicked pretty hard in the groin-never bad enough to go to the doctor and never lost my sex drive due to it, though there was a few times that I couldn't have sex because of it

I would follow the advice and get more bloodwork done-sounds like the PCT is working so keep with that and try not to get kicked in the balls
Its the dance with the're willing to take AAS and not look normal, have people stare are you and whisper, makes you feel like superman BUT it all comes at a price.....loss of sex drive, impotent maybe for life, so no all comes at a workout and take gear to look fantastic and have women drool over you BUT you don't feel like tapping that and your junk doesn't work like it used to.....dancing with the devil my selling your soul........All comes at a price.....There are other side effects you can expect but those are the two big ones for me and the younger guys need to weigh their options and desire to be "that guy" in the gym or on the beach.....or chose not to dance....its hard when you're early 20's because you don't give a fuck about kids or marriage you just want to be HUGE at any cost....well there is a step cost my friends...
Its the dance with the're willing to take AAS and not look normal, have people stare are you and whisper, makes you feel like superman BUT it all comes at a price.....loss of sex drive, impotent maybe for life, so no all comes at a workout and take gear to look fantastic and have women drool over you BUT you don't feel like tapping that and your junk doesn't work like it used to.....dancing with the devil my selling your soul........All comes at a price.....There are other side effects you can expect but those are the two big ones for me and the younger guys need to weigh their options and desire to be "that guy" in the gym or on the beach.....or chose not to dance....its hard when you're early 20's because you don't give a fuck about kids or marriage you just want to be HUGE at any cost....well there is a step cost my friends...

So true................This ladies and gentlemen is what is known as "wisdom".
I am running long test cycle. I just finished Tren E and had the same problem. As soon as the Tren E was out of my system and the test is all I'm on now...BOOM...instant sex Overdrive again !!! Tren E is a killer on the Drive. And as stated before..."Ever dance with the Devil ? " Its the price you pay...
My first few runs with Tren a my sex drive was up the last two it went down not sure why but don' think I will be running Tren for a while. I will add proviron has helped with that after my cycle so I would say next time I run Tren I will run proviron with it
I have been on and off cycles since 2007 every few cycles I used to run tren a with no problem at all. This is the first time I try tren e. The strange thing is while I was on it my sexdrive was over the roof . I was in a very bad place to be honest and I got so depressed cause when I lost my sex drive I was just started dating the hottest woman I have ever seen in my life and it was killer for me that u have what u always dreamed of but u can't do anything lol
Now am off tren since February . And 2 month post my pct . And like I said I can have sex with no problems at all . But not the same like how I was same time last year. Guess am gonna have to wait and see .
Might try to get some anti p and see if it can make any difference or not .
And I am thinking about staying clean for another 6 month before my next cycle
I only use Tren A now but it does give me some issues sexually depending on the dosage also. I'm thinking about sex all the time and it starts off great with full hard ass erection then as I get closer to climax I get soft. Not soft enough that sex has to stop but it's definitely not full on hammer time that's for sure. Kind of like a semi chubby but then it gets into my head that I'm going soft and I'm like what the fuck come on big dog this shit is right lets roll and then if I don't stay focused and blow it will go completely down. It's nice to be off of it right now cause I'm back to normal woot woot.
I only use Tren A now but it does give me some issues sexually depending on the dosage also. I'm thinking about sex all the time and it starts off great with full hard ass erection then as I get closer to climax I get soft. Not soft enough that sex has to stop but it's definitely not full on hammer time that's for sure. Kind of like a semi chubby but then it gets into my head that I'm going soft and I'm like what the fuck come on big dog this shit is right lets roll and then if I don't stay focused and blow it will go completely down. It's nice to be off of it right now cause I'm back to normal woot woot.
Bloody hell that's exactly what was happening to me .
Few days ago I found some nolva and I thought I will try it maybe I have high estrogen levels . And in the last 3 days I been having sex 2 - 3 times a day and with full hard on that I was surprised .
Still not 100% but way much better than before .