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  1. G

    Your best workout advice...

    OK then fair enough...Marathon not a sprint is more of a philosphy... Workout advice would be to train PROGRESSIVLY...your goal should be small increases in weight and or reps throughout your journey...seems like everyone forgets that after theyve been at it a couple years and they spend another...
  2. G

    training volume: how much do you do?

    I cant stand volume all about the intensity. I do a combo of Yates style HIT training with some DC influences thrown in there.
  3. G

    Your best workout advice...

    Its a marathon..not a sprint..
  4. G

    Protein Myths that won't die

    there missing one.."you can only absorb 30grams of protein at a time"...:laugh:
  5. G

    Metal's shoulder Pics

    Ahhhhh...can ya blame a brother? I mean seriously... she looks re-dunkulous:D
  6. G

    Lower Lats !!!

    wide grip, reverse grip pulldowns..lean back some and bring the bar to just below your pecs...grip the bar about where it starts to your hands are in a more natural, slightly pronated posittion... Also one arm db rows...big, full stretch at the Mountain dog back...
  7. G

    16 months till comp, Opinions on my plan please

    Sorry, not gonna happen..dont want to be a downer but thats the truth...your goals are too high too soon... your looking at around 60lbs of fat free muscle mass in about a year...thats gonna take several years my friend..this game is a marathon, not a sprint...
  8. G

    Metal's shoulder Pics

    traps looking good bro!:thumbsup: Steph, you look AMAZING! Absolutly fantastic, great job.
  9. G

    Hired Shelby Starnes to do my prep for North Americans !

    Nice dude! I finally bit the bullet and hired Alex Azarian to get me to the next level..Kickin' my ass big time but Im seeing changes on an almost daily basis..It'll be welll worth it bro!
  10. G

    Im alive but barely

    Seriously..looks like some kinda alien lab glad your ok...what kinda problems/symptoms were you having?
  11. G

    injuries youve sustained from bodybuilding?

    Ruptured both my pecs..flat bb bench press both'd think I wouldve learned the first time...dont do it at alll anymore. I HAD a sick bench press though:cool:
  12. G

    Good % of bodyfat?

    So hard to say like Nuk said... One thing I do is this...if I look better with a shirt on then a shirt off then im carrying too much bf...So if you really are 18% I would def. work more on cutting first...
  13. G

    Today and a question and a picture

    On the drag curls..or any curls for that matter..I just do them where my hands and arms would fall naturally...just at my sides I guess...
  14. G

    To the competitiors on here

    No secrets here bro..just laterals, laterals and more laterals...thats what the shoulder is designed to do...lift progressivly rather than trying to figure out new crazy exercises to "fool" or "shock" the muscle...that stuff is garbage IMO
  15. G

    tv shows about fat people.

    Absolutly right man...thats where the "cultural" differences in eating come into play...Also the lower the socio-economic status..generally the lower the level of said before it boils down to ignorance and laziness...
  16. G


    Anyone with a first hand review of this product by Cyber-Supplementz? Its there tadafil product...for shits and giggles ya know:D
  17. G

    Arnolds old routine

    Thats gonna take the better part of 3 hours bro!
  18. G

    tv shows about fat people.

    You have a good point..Where I work I see what your saying all the time. It lot has to do with their socio economic status rather than their race though from what I food is bad for you, simple as that. But yeah, there defiantly is a "cultural" element there too for sure...Some of...
  19. G

    Apples could hold key for increasing lifespan

    Oh..the meat bill is up there too...thank god chix is cheap..I fish alot too so from now till dec. or so its a lot of stripers, bluefish and flounder..if its legal, it dies:cool: Trade fish with my deer hunting friends that stuff.