Cycle Advice


New member
My next cycle
Week 1-4 Dbol 35mg/day
Week 1-12 Test E 750 mg/week
Week 1-12 Eq 500mg/week
Week 13-16 winny 50mg eod
Clomid PCT
Nova and Prov to help with water retention

Any coments would be great!!!

Will be 4th cycle, stats 6'4 250 lbs 12%bf would like to get to 235-240 lbs by start of cycle with bf around 9%!
looks like a solid cycle bro, i wouldnt change anything if those were the only compounds I wanted to use
winstrol is a toxic drug... you will get good results from 50mg EOD. I personally have used 50mg ED with good results, then bumped it up to 100mg ED... had great results, but without Nizerol I lose hair from high dosages of winstrol usage.

Just make sure on high levels of winstrol/dbol/anadrol/tren you drink plenty of water along w/ all your additives for protection (liver/kidney/prostate etc)... I'm not trying to tell you stuff you already know, just adding some general info that's good to have if you don't know it already.

Oh yeah... back in the day when winny tabs were made @ 50mg/tab shot's by some underground labs and were pretty cheap is when I did 100mg's ED. Other then that, it's a hefty item to take on a daily basis unless you have a ton...
Only have done bulkers in the past. Does the winny cut fat and harden you up, or does it just build lean mass. I am going to do a search to learn some more, I am balding already so the hair loss dosen't bother me. I just keep it almost shaved anyway. Thanks for the info bro.
The winnie, if you are taking in tab form should be 50 mgs ED as the half life is 12 hours. On the injectable winnie 50/100 mgs EOD will do. The winnie will make your muscles hard, just watch your diet as you do plan on bulking and then immediately into a cutter with the winnie, so your diet must change along with your way of training.

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