
New member
Tues, 9/11 Wt 250
100mg DNP
MultiV 3 times
Metaburn 2 times, 1 pill
Workout Chest, Tris, abs
Food. Breakfast, Oats, lunch, Pizza yea, yea I know, dinner, chicken and veg drank a gallon of water and had two glasses of green tea
felt no sides, didn't seem any diff

Wed.9/12 Wt 250
200mg DNP
Multi 3 times
meturburn 3 times, 1 pill
Food, B, Quino, Lunch Fish, Dinner probably Chicken/Veg
A lot of fruit with breakfast quino
Workout, legs, abs

Sweating a little more but pretty much same. I went up to 200mg per my man Mike Ross advise due to my size. Run here for a awhile
Also 200mg Test E today.

Energy is fine, feeling no sides, I have red or flushed when I work out. not sure what that is about. maybe BP.
Just add a few notes for Wed. 9/12, I was out in the heat for 4 hours today, 100 degree, sweating a lot but normal for me. One big diff after work I had zero appetite, not my norm at all. Ate few chips, ordered, chicken salad couldn't eat it. Not sure if it was the DNP or the Metaburn, but something took away my appetite and my energy was fine, I did start sweating about 30 min after I ate the chips.
Just add a few notes for Wed. 9/12, I was out in the heat for 4 hours today, 100 degree, sweating a lot but normal for me. One big diff after work I had zero appetite, not my norm at all. Ate few chips, ordered, chicken salad couldn't eat it. Not sure if it was the DNP or the Metaburn, but something took away my appetite and my energy was fine, I did start sweating about 30 min after I ate the chips.

DNP kicking in and metaburn supplying the energy and reducing the appetite. just wait once the DNP builds up over time, you'll eat everything in site and sweat, just like i have been doing for long time now
just be careful with the eyes, I developed a problem in my left eye, stopped everything and went to eye specialist got special drops, problem is fixed now. Its to hard to say if its directly linked but I have never had an eye infection before. Thing is to be aware. Mine started with red eye just out of nowhere. Red eye is an actual infection. Thing is if your eyes start burning or get red like a pink eye situation stop immediately and go to an eye Doctor(Opthamologist). I had an exam done and he said I had white spots which was from an infection and it was from the conjectivitis I had earlier in the week. He gave me special drops and 3 days later it is fixed, so its just something to be aware of. I was on 400 mg dose too. Still best fat burner I ever used. Im not telling you this to make you paranoid just telling you for a heads up, thats all. Also so it does happen you know what to do.
no good info mkdk, i actually have an infection already, sty. I have been taking antibiotics for it for a week are so. i typically get these during this time of year, my vision has been a lil blured but was thinking it might be the sty and the meds, i was using drops also but I stopped cause I wanted to see it that was the problem. I'm going to really be alert today as far as my vision.
hey guys? Im new to DNP and will start next week at just 100mg a day and will not increase from there. Do I need to take multivitamins 3 times a day? Also did you notice the vision problem on 100mg?
just be careful with the eyes, I developed a problem in my left eye, stopped everything and went to eye specialist got special drops, problem is fixed now. Its to hard to say if its directly linked but I have never had an eye infection before. Thing is to be aware. Mine started with red eye just out of nowhere. Red eye is an actual infection. Thing is if your eyes start burning or get red like a pink eye situation stop immediately and go to an eye Doctor(Opthamologist). I had an exam done and he said I had white spots which was from an infection and it was from the conjectivitis I had earlier in the week. He gave me special drops and 3 days later it is fixed, so its just something to be aware of. I was on 400 mg dose too. Still best fat burner I ever used. Im not telling you this to make you paranoid just telling you for a heads up, thats all. Also so it does happen you know what to do.

conjunctivitis is not related to DNP. That is pink eye and can be picked up from any surface you and other infected people touch. A sty is related to other issues, DNP is not one of them. Speaking with a doctorate of pharmacy experience from counseling 1000s of patients on eye infections, abx usage, etc
hey guys? Im new to DNP and will start next week at just 100mg a day and will not increase from there. Do I need to take multivitamins 3 times a day? Also did you notice the vision problem on 100mg?

diesel nutrition ...mike ross knows DNP inside and PM any questions you have and im sure he can answer them...
conjunctivitis is not related to DNP. That is pink eye and can be picked up from any surface you and other infected people touch. A sty is related to other issues, DNP is not one of them. Speaking with a doctorate of pharmacy experience from counseling 1000s of patients on eye infections, abx usage, etc

Yes, I know my sty has nothing to do with DNP it started 2 weeks ago and I have had problems with them during this time of year because of my job, heat and sweat.
Thurs, 9/13 day 3, Wt 247
Breakfast, Apple, Quinoa with sugar and cinn. Green Tea
200mg DNP, 3 MultiV, 2 Metaburn,
Workout, Back, Shoulders, Bi's, abs
Lunch, half turkey sandwich, crackers, watermelon
Dinner, Italian sub, chips, salad
workout was good, I got tired after and had take nap but my job alllows me get this done, Sweating more, but I've always been a sweater but this is a little more. My energy is fine, wasn't in the heat today just office time. one note did some more cardio in bed with gal got out of breath pretty bad. lol
Great log Irish. lots of good details on how you are feeling which is important. let us know when you start checking in on the scale - Im really looking forward to see how that sheds
9/13 day 4, wt 249
Breakfast, egg chicken taco
workout, legs
Lunch, italian sub
fruit, watermelon,
energy was great today, no vision problems, having a few beers tonight.
Dinner, will be chicken salad.
Sweating a lot but still normal for me.
also did 20 min cardio today after legs, working legs twice a week cause I don't lift heavy due to back so hit it twice a week. will try to hit all body twice a week but definitly legs and back. still on Metaburn and multiV. I may up my metaburn to 2 pills twice a day. just doing 1 twice a day now. also been taking cocunute oil and nooni juice and prostate supps
Thurs, 9/13 day 3, Wt 247
Breakfast, Apple, Quinoa with sugar and cinn. Green Tea
200mg DNP, 3 MultiV, 2 Metaburn,
Workout, Back, Shoulders, Bi's, abs
Lunch, half turkey sandwich, crackers, watermelon
Dinner, Italian sub, chips, salad
workout was good, I got tired after and had take nap but my job alllows me get this done, Sweating more, but I've always been a sweater but this is a little more. My energy is fine, wasn't in the heat today just office time. one note did some more cardio in bed with gal got out of breath pretty bad. lol

wait til you start dripping sweat all over you have on baby oil without the slippery glide
So I am like 8 days post DNP cycle, what a ride. This without a doubt is the best fat burner I have ever used. There is a couple of things though I would do different. One is I would use it in the winter when it was cold and rainy, because you are not going to get much done outside nor would you want to. If you do the 400mg a day you wont really be doing much but watching TV and eating carbs. Two is I would weigh and measure all food. I mean why make it a crap shoot and not be specific with the total calories in/out. I mean if done right you can burn a frigging pound a fat a day. With no cardio. I mean the stuff is it to break through the fat set points. I did buy two more bottles so I am waiting for the next cycle. Im in Indian summer here so probably November, but Great product Appollo.
Day 6 for me wt 251,
So haven't lost any wt, I am sweating a lot more, but about the same as I do when I'm running a good cycle of gear tren/test. I'm sweating at night a little more but I sweat at night anyway with cover on me. I keep house at 70. Not sure why I'm not loosing wt, I'm keeping my carlories down below 2500. I have worked out 4 of the 6 days with wts and cardio for an hr. My energy is good, not any different than typical. I'm currently running
DNP 200mg a day
Metaburn 2 pills 2 times a day
MultiV 3times a day
TsE 200mg a week
Ive been getting plenty of sleep
But this be about like me, this DNP prolly has opposite effect on me. Most drugs do, Most people take HC and get loopy, I take it and get energy, lidacain wont work on me, found that our during my vacetomy, yep wasn't fun. Try having your balls stitched up with no pain killer, talk about fucking sweating, I looked like somebody had thrown a bucket of water on me after he put last stitch in.
Not sure, going to keep running, may work on my diet a little, try up protien with a few shakes and make sure I do cardio after wt workout. I've drank a few beers last couple of days but not much, 3 on friday and 4 on sat. Final note, I can tell a difference with my core temp. I do as Mike Ross said I would start sweating like a Mofo after eating, but again that is something I have always done when running a good solid cycle of gear, but this is more than my norm when low hrt. Surley I will start seeing some difference in couple of days, but currently my weight has gone up. Also, I never got the flat look that Mike spoke of, I had plenty of energy working out and got decent pumps while working out. I believe the metaburn actually gave me a good preworkout boost. Any thoughts appreciated. I was really hoping I would get on this and wake up in the morning to find a couple of pounds of fat laying on side of my bed cause it dropped off in the night. LOL
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how long til the weight is suppose to start coming off? or is your body just changing like recomposition type of deal where ur losing fat but adding muscle? I mean has your looked changed??