how long til the weight is suppose to start coming off? or is your body just changing like recomposition type of deal where ur losing fat but adding muscle? I mean has your looked changed??
Yes, I do believe, have changed a little. Wt is up 252 today, and this is day 7, i upped my dose to 300mg, One factor maybe my legs, I haven't been working legs very much, I have great genetics with my legs so I don't have to work them to keep the look I want, this past week I hit them twice, and as always my legs explode, and I increase size. So maybe I added a little their and thats why I'm not seeing the weight lose. Little frustrated, with the risk factor of DNP, I was hoping for some quicker results, but again, maybe my body needs a higher dose, so I'm upping to 300 and going to do this thru this week and see. If I dont loose some wt, I'm going to work off and go back to my IF, diet.
day 7, 9/17 weight 252 up from starting wt of 250
300mg of DNP
MultiV 3 times
mineral, Metaburn 2 pills, twice
fish oil, coconut oil
breakfast, Late, had larg chicken salad
dinner, steak, baked potatoe salad, bread
workout, shoulders, back, bis, had a great workout got a good pump had great energy, went an hour and half and super set back/shoulders, I do seem to look a little harder than before.
bed cardio today for about 30 min. lol
One side I have noticed, I getting really sleepy after my workout. I usually workout at about 10am. Typically I'm bouncing off the wall after I workout but since I hit the DNP, about 30 min after workout feel like I need a nap. Sleeping good, I am sweating at night quite a bit.
Day 8 Early update, WT 249, sweated my ass off last night, all night long I had a sweat going, didn't sleep much but for sure can tell a difference between 200mg and 300mg.
Day 9 WT 248, Sweating my ass off, appetite not increasing, still got calories around 2200. working out in heat for 3 hours but temp around high 80s going to continue 300mg a day for next 5, still doing metaburn. I've basically lost 2lbs in 9 days, hopefully I'll get more out of it in next few days.
day 10 crusing at WT 242
down 8 pounds , pretty good for me, I've never been below 245 while on gear. So DNP, ripping it off. Workout yesterday was great best I've had in awhille. Not sure the product of fact, I was super pissed off about an issue. LMAO, seem to get a better lift when I take it out on that iron. Sweating like a MOFO, everywhere I sit is completely socked with my sweat. LOVE IT. Not eating crazy but not eating clean.
energy is good. Get sleepy at night but have hard time falling asleep
day 10 crusing at WT 242
down 8 pounds , pretty good for me, I've never been below 245 while on gear. So DNP, ripping it off. Workout yesterday was great best I've had in awhille. Not sure the product of fact, I was super pissed off about an issue. LMAO, seem to get a better lift when I take it out on that iron. Sweating like a MOFO, everywhere I sit is completely socked with my sweat. LOVE IT. Not eating crazy but not eating clean.
energy is good. Get sleepy at night but have hard time falling asleep

Sounding good!
Day 13 Wt 242,
Looks like I'm going to hold here, today will be last day for me. I do believe I lost fat for sure, I can see a change. Only concern I have is, I took DNP in the morning and toward end of the day my vision was get blurry. I ignored it at first but m pretty sure it was the DNP causing it. Nothing bad,just seemed I had to wipe my eyes and refocus every few minutes.
The sweating is managable for me because fo my job. Really didn't experience any other sides. I'll take it again next month.